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ILI & Anomaly Management

Alignment Services

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Outsource Your ILI Alignment

With extensive experience in converting and integrating gas and liquid pipeline data, Integrity Plus is well equipped to provide alignment services at a lower cost than in-house resources. We can quickly align and classify ILI data, while ensuring accuracy and saving your staff time.

Alignment Services

With your ILI data properly aligned, operators can quickly and accurately determine if an anomaly is located in an HCA. Our SMEs will analyze and integrate pertinent information such as sensitive receptors, road crossings, and other features that should be integrated into anomaly categorization and dig planning, providing more accurate anomaly locations for field evaluation crews.

Anomaly Classification and Dig Programs

Integrity Plus recognizes the importance of proper anomaly classification, and the common traps that lead to operators mis-classifying their anomalies. For example, anomaly call outs in pipe tally sheets should be taken as estimations and not always accurate. Our expert ILI Team assists operators with the proper classification of Integrity Management anomalies by the application of published criteria and expert SME review along with other regulatory considerations. Our team also provides dig program consulting, by assisting operators with the development of prioritized dig schedules and associated documentation.

Related New Century Software Applications:
Alignment Manager